Product Development

Investing in product development is crucial for the success of any digital product. Our packages are designed to help you turn your design concepts into a fully functional and user-friendly digital product. With a focus on quality and attention to detail, we'll work with you to develop a product that meets your business goals and customer needs.

Our development packages include front-end and back-end development, quality assurance testing, and ongoing maintenance and support to ensure that your product runs smoothly and efficiently. Whether you're looking to create a mobile app or a website, our experienced development partners will help you bring your vision to life and create a digital product that stands out from the competition.



The Core package includes everything you need to get your first version released to your users.

  • Initial consultation with one of our product designers to discuss your project's requirements and goals

  • Creation of a customized development plan

  • Access to our project management tool to track progress and communicate with your assigned project manager

  • Regular status updates on the progress of your project

  • Access to our team of experienced developers for the implementation of your project's core features

  • Quality assurance testing to ensure your product is functioning as expected

  • Support during the initial launch of your product


In addition to the Core package we’ll provide the following:

  • Additional consultation time with our product designers to discuss additional features and functionality

  • Access to our team of experienced designers for the creation of custom graphics and branding elements

  • Assistance with setting up hosting, domain registration, and other technical requirements

  • User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design services to ensure your product is user-friendly and visually appealing


In addition to the Plus package we’ll provide the following:

  • Creation of a completely custom development plan tailored to your specific needs

  • Access to a dedicated team of developers and designers who will work exclusively on your project

  • Advanced testing and quality assurance services to ensure your product is performing optimally

  • Ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure your product remains up-to-date and fully functional

What’s included?

  • This will ensure we are planning and prioritising the features you’d most like to build.

  • We will walk you through the timeline and budget with an opportunity to ask follow up questions. It’s a good idea to plan for some of your key product team members to join us.

  • An editable slide deck with product development timelines and links to documentation in Figma ready to share with your product team & developers.

  • A detailed PDF document with development timelines, documentation linked in Figma and budget that’s yours to keep with all the info in one place to keep for future reference.

We hope these checklists help you better understand the components of Product Development and what each of our three tiers includes. If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your project in more detail, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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